At the risk of being wrong we will not do the BLACK FRIDAY.

No, we do not have a negative concept of the idea of selling. Is not that. What is more, we love the idea of selling our silver creations, our jewelry, our ideas in short.

That is what Plan B Jewelry is about, selling what we do.

Plan B Jewelry is incompatible with Black Friday and this is incompatible with our DNA.

And these are our reasons

1.- We cannot afford to make big discounts because we do not inflate prices. Each piece has its price and its value (another day we will talk about these two things)

2.- We work by hand, each piece is the result of a creative process of days, months ...

3.- We believe that if you are interested in a piece you can buy it any day, but if you are only interested in the price ... this is not your place.

4.- We will not do it because we do not think it is fun to raise prices first, to suddenly lower them one day for 24 hours. (Yes, dear followers, first the prices go up and then do this of the discount, everything is crazy)

5.- We will not do it because our pieces are artisan, made by hand with conscience (here you must read the post about THE REASON in which we talk about sustainability and ethics) and conscientiously, they are timeless and do not understand the days of the week nor compulsive shopping.

If you have come this far, you will have already discovered that we do not identify much with the values of this Black Friday.

We have many more reasons but we will only tell you one more: for us it is much more important to buy a gift with affection and love than a discounted gift. What can the 2 things be given? Uuuummmm… let us think… No, Black Friday does not give a damn about your affection and your love

And finally say yes, yes, we like that they buy us every day of the week and on Friday as well.

We are going to think about it and see if we can come up with any creative little thing for our clients, meanwhile, we will flee as artisans from this unbridled festival of crazy consumption, because we seriously believe that making crafts over low heat is our hallmark. We will not do Black Friday because our priority is the torch, the hacksaw, the magnifying glass, the hammer, the file, the anvil and the caliper ... to continue making crafts.

Being a businessman is something else, but it is not Plan B JEWELRY.

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